Author picture Valérian Galliat

How To Disable Squash & Merge on Specific GitHub Branches


Or how to associate different merging strategies to different branches.

At Hookdeck, we use a branching flow somewhat similar to the GitLab flow, where we have staging as our main branch, and regularly merge staging into main to deploy to production.

We like to squash and merge feature branches into staging, but we want to create a merge commit when merging staging into main.

GitHub squash and merge image

The problem is: GitHub always defaults to the last used merge strategy, meaning that after you squash a feature branch into staging, you're guaranteed to have squash and merge selected by default when you want to merge staging to main.

In practice, this leads to accidentally squashing staging into main, losing meaningful history, plus causing weird diff issues in the subsequent PRs.

Introducing the contextual merge strategy extension!

We realized we weren't the only ones with this issue, and decided to build an extension to mitigate it while GitHub addresses it natively in the meantime.

Val and Alex Slack screenshot![Val and Alex Slack screenshot]

The result: GitHub Contextual Merge Strategy.

We didn't publish this extension on the Chrome and Firefox store, but nevertheless you can easily clone it and install it using the developer mode to load unpacked extensions.

By default, it preselects “create a merge commit” when the source branch is any of main, master, staging and preview, and otherwise selects “squash and merge”.

You'll only need to tweak the URL host and prefix you want it to run on in [background.js]( (by default we only run it on the GitHub Hookdeck organization).

Also feel free to tweak the [script.js]( file according to your own branching conventions and needs!

How we built it

Here's the nitty gritty details of the implementation. The first idea was very basic:

First idea code extension screenshot

Run this in your browser console on a GitHub PR page, and it will work like a charm.

But when we tried to put that in a content script as part of an extension, it broke down: GitHub asynchronously loads the block at the bottom where we get the different merge options! So running at document_end is not enough to be able to preselect a merging strategy, as the merging strategies element is not loaded yet.

Asynchronous loading of the merge block

To work around that, we used a [MutationObserver]( in order to watch the parent element for any change to its child tree. This allows us to get a callback when the merge options are loaded into the DOM, and effectively select the one appropriate to the current branch being merged!

But soon after, we realized this wasn't enough. The extension seemed to be working sometimes, but not all the time. After further investigation, it turned out that GitHub uses single-page navigation with the [History.pushState API](

Supporting single-page navigation

The symptoms: if you open a PR page directly, the extension works, but if you open any other page on GitHub and then browse your way to a PR page, it won't!

To my dismay, there's no web API allowing us to subscribe to the pushState events.

A common solutions is to proxy the history.pushState function, but this isn't easily done in an extension since we don't have a shared global object with the page being manipulated (unsafeWindow doesn't seem to be a thing anymore for security reasons).

An alternative is to use the extensions API [webNavigation.onHistoryStateUpdated](, which was music to my ears until I realized that it only works from a background script and not a content script!

Fair enough, I refactored the extension to use a background script in order to hook into the navigation events and trigger the script accordingly.

I didn't like the idea of running a background script but it seems that browsers optimized them in a way that they only run when triggered by specific events, here onHistoryStateUpdated, only on and when the path starts with /hookdeck! This means the extension overhead is very limited and that's a good thing.

Wrapping up

After this last change, the extension was finally doing its job reliably. We've been using it for a few weeks now without any accidental squash!

If you also need to default the merge strategy differently on specific branches, go check out the GitHub repo and adapt it to your organization!

I hope GitHub will soon support a setting like this natively and make this extension obsolete (so we don't have to maintain it 😬), but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy it!