Unlimited events. Delivered at your pace.

Usage-based billing to support your projects from small to massive scale.


Always $0 /month


  • Up to 10,000 events
  • 3-day retention
  • 1 user
  • SOC2
Get started

Starts at $499 /month

Everything in Team, plus

  • Uptime & latency SLAs
  • 30-day retention
  • Metrics
  • Metrics Export (ie. Datadog)
  • Read-only user role
  • SSO, SAML and SCIM
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Inquire for plans Custom

Everything in Growth, plus

  • Premium support
  • Support manager
  • Slack Connect channel
  • Custom security compliance
  • Custom SLAs
  • Custom contracts
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Events Pay-as-you-go

An event is a message – a webhook, for example – that's delivered to a destination, such as your API. Event pricing as low as $0.33 per 100k.

0$ $1.00 per additional 100k

Estimated number of events per month

Includes 5 events/second of throughput (per project)

10 billion +

Additional throughput

Throughput determines the amount of events/second that can be delivered to your destinations in a given project. This value can be changed at any time. Events above your configured throughput can only be delayed – we'll never drop them.

Latency protection Coming Soon

When enabled, latency protection allows your throughput to increase up to 5x as needed. Latency-protected events are charged at $10 per 100k.

Always $0/month
Starts at $39/month
Starts at $499/month
Included monthly events 10,000 10,000 10,000 Custom
Additional events Metered billing Metered billing Metered billing
Included monthly discarded requests 10,000 10,000 10,000 Custom
Additional discarded requests +$2.50 per million +$2.50 per million Custom
Users 1 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Data Retention 3 days 7 days 30 days Custom
Metrics Export
Read-only user role
Static IP Add-on + $150 + $150 + $150 + $150
Service Level
Service Level Basic Standard Priority Priority
Uptime SLA 99.999% Custom
Latency SLA 99.99% Custom
Slack Channel Community Community Community Slack Connect
Email & Live Chat Basic Standard Standard Premium
Support SLA + Add-on + Add-on
Solution Engineering & Onboarding + Add-on + Add-on
Security and Compliance
SoC2 Type 2 Request report Request report Request report Request report
Single Sign-On (ie. SAML, OIDC)
Directory Sync (ie. SCIM)
Granular roles and user permissions
Get started Try for free Try for free Contact us

Frequently asked questions

Is there a trial period?

There's a 14 days trial to invite team members to your organization. The Free Developer plan usage limits still apply during the trial.

Is a credit card required?

No. You can sign up for an account without a credit card.

What's the difference between a request and an event?

We count any inbound HTTP request from one of your sources as a request. When one of these incoming requests is delivered to a destination, we count it as an event. A request can result in 0, 1 or multiple events based on your connection configuration.

Are event retries free?

Yes. The price of an event includes all its retries.

What if I exceed 10,000 events on the Developer plan?

You will continue receiving your events but the dashboard will become locked until you upgrade your plan or enter a new billing period. In the case of excessive overages, we reserve the right to stop processing all requests and events.

How is project throughput changes charged?

Project throughput changes are charged pro-rated for the remaining days of the month. When you upgrade your throughput you are charged for the full pro-rated value for the remainder of your billing period and the renews automatically on your next invoice. In the case of a downgrade, you will be credited the pro-rated amount for the remainder of the month. Changing throughput takes effect immeditately.

What if I exceed my project throughput limits?

Don't worry, you won't miss any events. When these rates are exceeded, we safely queue additional events and process them at the throughput speeds selected for your project. Changing throughput takes effect immeditately.

Where can I see how many requests and events I've received?

You can find the number of requests and events on the organization billing page.

What does retention mean?

Retention refers to the number of days we store your event data. Increasing your retention does not guarantee that you will be able to access all of your previous pre-rentention change data. We reserve the right to delete data older than your retention period at any time.

What if I switch my plan in the middle of the month?

You will be billed for your pro-rated charge for the remainder of your billing period. If you downgrade your plan, you will be credited the pro-rated difference.

How granular is your billing rate?

The usage billing is pro-rated by 10k. For example the price for 10,000 events on our team plan is 0$, 10,001 events is 0.3$ and 20,000 events is (still) 0.3$ and 20,001 events is 0.6$.