Author picture Valérian Galliat

How to Debug a Github Actions Workflow via SSH


Since GitHub introduced Actions, it’s become more and more common to use them for CI/CD tasks because of the tight integration with GitHub, as well as its simplicity.

Coming from CircleCI, I was used to their “rerun job with SSH” feature, which allowed you to rerun a job while exposing a SSH server to debug the live test environment, and I was surprised to not find a similar feature on GitHub Actions.

Why SSH to the CI environment?

SSHing to CI is extremely handy in scenarios where a bug happens only on CI and can’t be reproduced locally or on other staging servers we have control over.

It can also be useful when initially setting up a GitHub Action for your app when you’re not sure exactly what’s available in the GitHub image, what versions, etc. and want to quickly fiddle around to find the right instructions to set up the environment for success.

What about containers?

The advent of containers should mitigate part of the problem, with more and more apps being “dockerized”, but the reality is that your GitHub Actions workflow likely runs on ubuntu-latest because that’s far more convenient, and that’s the main way that’s documented basically everywhere. You’re still running in a container, but that’s GitHub’s container, and it’s (very) different from your development, staging and production containers.

And even if you bring your own container, you’re still likely to encounter differences inherent to running in a CI environment: are the volumes and ports configured at exactly the same? What about the services you depend on like PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.? How do you manage your environment variables? Are they any different from your local environment? (They probably should be.)

Also did you ever encounter timing-based bugs that only happen on a slow machine (or network), or inversely, only happen when the code runs too fast? I did, both.

Introducing action-sshd-cloudflared

This is why I created action-sshd-cloudflared.

The idea? Find the simplest way to run a SSH server in a GitHub Action and somehow connect to it. The last part can be a challenge because as you can expect, the VM the workflow runs in doesn’t have a public IP, and not even IPv6. No way to directly bind a port publicly accessible from the internet.

That’s why we need to resort to a relay host. I chose Cloudflare Tunnel for that, which is convenient because it includes a way to forward abritrary TCP, and happily runs as guest (no need to be authenticated).

In the end, it takes 100 lines of commented shell script, and if you’re interested in the details I encourage you to read my explanation of how the server works.

But for now, I’ll start by showing you how to use it, then I’ll break down what the client-side commands do, and finally I’ll compare it to other options.


Here’s an example workflow YAML file that does nothing but check out your repository and start a SSH server.

name: CI
  - push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: valeriangalliat/action-sshd-cloudflared@v1

More likely you already have a workflow YAML and the only part you care about is to add this to your steps array:

      - uses: valeriangalliat/action-sshd-cloudflared@v1

From there, here’s an example output you’ll find on your workflow logs:

Downloading `cloudflared` from <>...
Configured SSH key(s) for user: valeriangalliat
Creating SSH server key...
Creating SSH server config...
Starting SSH server...
Starting tmux session...
Starting Cloudflare tunnel...

Run the following command to connect:

    ssh-keygen -R action-sshd-cloudflared && echo 'action-sshd-cloudflared ssh-rsa (public key goes here)' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts && ssh -o ProxyCommand='cloudflared access tcp --hostname' runner@action-sshd-cloudflared

What the one-liner does:

    # Remove old SSH server public key for `action-sshd-cloudflared`
    ssh-keygen -R action-sshd-cloudflared

    # Trust the public key for this session
    echo 'action-sshd-cloudflared ssh-rsa (public key goes here)' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

    # Connect using `cloudflared` as a transport (SSH is end-to-end encrpted over this tunnel)
    ssh -o ProxyCommand='cloudflared access tcp --hostname' runner@action-sshd-cloudflared

    # Alternative if you don't want to verify the host key
    ssh -o ProxyCommand='cloudflared access tcp --hostname' -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new runner@action-sshd-cloudflared

From there you can copy the (long, I know) one-liner that will connect you to the VM. As you can see I also a commented version of the commands for people to have a better understanding of what’s happening. Let’s go through it in even more details.

Details of the client connect commands

Remove keys from previous debugging sessions

The first step is to remove all the keys matching host action-sshd-cloudflared in ~/.ssh/known_hosts. This is where your SSH client stores the public keys of all the servers you connected to.

ssh-keygen -R action-sshd-cloudflared

The reason we need to do this is because the action generates a new key every time it runs; we need to “forget” any previous key as they won’t be valid anymore. Otherwise SSH is confused and will prevent you from connecting to a host whose key is not the one it expects.

Note: An alternative would be to use a unique host every time (as we’ll see later, because of the way we use a proxy command, we could put any host in there), for example the same one that Cloudflare generated for us ( in the earlier example).

What I don’t like about that is every time you debug a GitHub workflow, a new host will be added to your ~/.ssh/known_hosts and this can quickly pollute it. Sure, you can garbage collect them manually at some point, but I’m still not a big fan of this idea.

Trust the key for the current session

This step is not technically required, for if we don’t do it, the SSH client will prompt you to trust the key when it first encounters it (trust on first use model).

But here we’re already copy/pasting quite a long one-liner, so might as well include an extra step to include the server public key and put it in the known hosts file.

echo 'action-sshd-cloudflared ssh-rsa (public key goes here)' >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

Trust on first use is fine, but this is better; would you really check that the server key fingerprint matches what was shown in the server logs otherwise?

Connect to the Cloudflare Tunnel

It is the command we use as SSH ProxyCommand:

cloudflared access tcp --hostname

This command, if run by itself, will open a TCP connection to our SSH server inside the GitHub VM, on port 2222 (the one we configured from the other side of the Cloudflare Tunnel), through the relay that Cloudflare gave us (the random subdomain on

Everything written on stdin will be sent over the TCP socket, and everything received will go to stdout. Simple as that.

The good thing is that this simple interface is supported by the ssh command to configure the underlying connection, with the -o ProxyCommand flag.

SSH through the proxy

This is the final piece of the puzzle:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='cloudflared access tcp --hostname' runner@action-sshd-cloudflared

We explained already what the cloudflared access tcp command does, so we’ll focus on the rest:

ssh -o ProxyCommand='...' runner@action-sshd-cloudflared

Here we issue a SSH connection to host action-sshd-cloudflared with user runner. But because of the ProxyCommand we configured, the given host is not actually used, and we could put anything in there.

We could even connect to runner@ (effectively no hostname), and that would work. That being said this is not an ideal solution because it would leave an entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts for a “empty string” host, and that’s not really useful. Putting action-sshd-cloudflared here is more clear on what this key is related to.

The combination of both those commands effectively connects you to the remote SSH server in the GitHub VM.

What about action-upterm and action-tmate?

When I first tried to debug a GitHub workflow via SSH, I stumbled upon two actions: debugging with SSH and debugging with tmate, also named action-upterm and action-tmate in their respective repos.

They’re both great and work perfectly for the task at hand, and can do even more than that, because both Upterm and tmate are designed to share a terminal session amongst multiple clients.

They both work by providing a client “host” software, and a public relay server. The host uses the client to connect to the relay server and share a terminal input and output with it, and other users can SSH to that relay to access the shared session.

The advantage of the relay server in a world where most computers don’t have a public IP address and probably not public IPv6 either, is to enable NAT traversal to share a local service with the internet despite not being publicly routable to. This is the problem that the famous ngrok is solving, or more simply, SSH TCP forwarding (with the -L and -R options).

The problem with the relay server

There’s one thing that bugs me very much with the way they both designed the relay server: it’s not just acting as a TCP relay to enable NAT traversal! Not only does the server contain business logic, but for this business logic to work, it needs plaintext access to the SSH connection (as opposed to only forwarding encrypted TCP traffic).

This is very much a no-no for me. The good thing is that they both provide a way to host your own relay server, where it’s not as much of a big deal that the relay sees plaintext traffic (it moves the trust from “random strangers on the internet” to the entity you pay to host your server, which is arguably an improvement, although far from end-to-end encryption).

But I’m lazy, and that’s too much work anyways. Especially when I know a bare sshd and a “dumb” (here used in a positive sense) TCP relay would do the job for me.

I would have been more keep to using Upterm or tmate if they moved all the business logic to the host client software, and let the relay be… a (dumb) TCP relay happily breaking NAT and forwarding encrypted traffic around. But I reckon this can be a challenge especially with the extended feature set those tools want to support.


Overall, sshd and cloudflared work perfectly hand in hand to allow SSHing in an otherwise unrouteable GitHub workflow container.

This is the beauty of the Unix philosophy: tools that do one thing, and do it well, and are composable through universal interfaces.

If you liked this post, you will definitely enjoy the second part where I explain how action-sshd-cloudflared works internally. Cheers!