Author picture Phil Leggetter

Hookdeck Update: January 2024


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Welcome to the Hookdeck update for January 2024. In this edition we share a new Next.js vlog (video log) starter kit using Hookdeck to integrate Supabase (database and storage) and Stream (video), new source verifications and associated tooling releases, two new quickstarts demonstrating new use cases for Hookdeck, and a few interesting reads with a focus on event-driven architectures.

SupaVlog: A Next.js Vlog Starter Kit Built with Supabase, Stream, and Hookdeck

Our new direction means we are still 100% committed to serving customers who need a reliable and scalable solution for inbound webhooks. But we've seen that we can also help customers building event-driven applications who need a solution for additional use cases such as:


Hookdeck is your asynchronous messaging cloud-based infrastructure where our reliability is fundamental. However, it's important to remember that Hookdeck's reliable infrastructure can underpin some really interesting use cases that enable end user experiences.

So, we came up with SupaVlog, a starter kit you can use to quickly spin up a personal or company vlog (video blog). It uses Hookdeck to integrate events from Stream (a video platform) with Supabase edge functions, database, and storage.

Read the SupaVlog blog.

Use the SupaVlog source and template on GitHub.

Try out the live demo at

Source Verification Updates

Twilio Source Verification

Hookdeck generically supports inbound event verification using HMAC webhook signature verification, API key authentication, and basic auth support.

However, we also add webhook signature verification support for services that either have their own custom webhook signature verification mechanism or are just really popular, and we believe adding a quick configuration option will save you integration time.

In January, we added support for:

  • Twilio - a service that needs no introduction and that's one of the most used on the Hookdeck platform
  • Courier - a notifications platform we're starting to see more use of with Hookdeck
  • Sanity - a highly intuitive and flexible headless CMS

Find out more about Hookdeck's Source authentication and verification support.

We've also released new versions of our Go SDK and Terraform Provider to support these new verifications.

New Quickstarts

New Hookdeck Quickstarts

Hookdeck is known as a platform offering developer tooling and infrastructure for helping you manage your inbound webhooks. However, we've seen a growing number of use cases and we've been creating quickstart guides for them.

The latest use case quickstart are:

  • Third-party to third-party message routing - integrate third-party services using transformations and filters. The quickstart covers triggering an SMS when a new GitHub issue is created, but the concepts can be applied in many other scenarios.
  • Asynchronous API gateway infrastructure - a growing number of customers are using Hookdeck as infrastructure to consume events from IoT, SDK, and other API clients. This is very similar to managing webhooks; however, these are scenarios where the clients likely uses API key authentication and only need to know the request has been accepted. Don't get this use case confused with the Async API standard.

Both of these quickstart guides are new, and we'd appreciate your feedback (reply to this email) on both the use cases and how easy they are to follow.

Worthwhile Reads

We've seen a large number of new signups to Hookdeck, so I wanted to take the opportunity to share a couple of our most popular and important posts and highlight another article that caught our interest recently:

That's it for the January update. Thanks for reading.

As always, please get in touch with any thoughts you have on Hookdeck, the event-driven architecture and application technology landscape, or anything else.