Hookdeck PagerDuty Integration Available Now

We're excited to announce that the Hookdeck PagerDuty integration is now available, allowing you to integrate Hookdeck Issues into your PagerDuty incident workflows.
PagerDuty is the first integration that supports bi-directional synchronization: updating your incident status in PagerDuty will also update the associated Hookdeck issue and vice-versa.
By connecting PagerDuty, it becomes a notification channel for your Hookdeck issues. There's a dedicated Hookdeck PagerDuty integration guide available to help you get started.
What problems does this solve? Here are two common examples:
Webhook Ingestion Errors
Hookdeck reliably ingests webhooks from third-party API platforms and queues them for delivery to your own endpoints. But what happens when your endpoint is down or not responding?
When webhook delivery to your endpoints fails, Hookdeck will detect the error and a Hookdeck Issue will be created. With the PagerDuty integration, this will trigger a PagerDuty incident, allowing you to integrate webhook delivery failure scenarios into your PagerDuty Incident workflows.
Queued Outbound API Requests Problems
Hookdeck can be used to queue outbound API requests to third-party services in scenarios such as Asynchronous AI workflows.
If the third-party service is down, not responding, or you've got a delivery rate set that exceeds the API rate-limit, Hookdeck will detect the error and a Hookdeck Issue will be raised along with an associated PagerDuty Incident.
Join the PagerDuty Partner Spotlight
We're joining the PagerDuty Partner Spotlight to showcase our new PagerDuty integration on March 4th, 2025, at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET. The event will be run on LinkedIn.