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PagerDuty Integration Guide


PagerDuty Hookdeck Integration Benefits

  • Notify on-call responders via PagerDuty based on Issues triggered within Hookdeck such as failed webhook deliveries, transformation errors, and backpressure events.
  • Issues in Hookdeck and their status are bi-directinoally synchronized with PagerDuty Incidents as they update.

How it Works

  • When a Hookdeck Issue is triggered a PagerDuty incident is created.
  • Issue status changes in Hookdeck are reflected in the PagerDuty incident and vice versa.


The Hookdeck PagerDuty integration requires a user who is a Hookdeck Orgainsation Owner or Admin. The user installing the integration within the PagerDuty Service must be a "Manager" base role or higher.


If you need help with this integration, please contact

Integration Walkthrough

To integrate Hookdeck with PagerDuty, you need to complete the following steps to give Hookdeck permission to:

  1. Manage PagerDuty incidents
  2. Register and deregister for PagerDuty webhooks via the PagerDuty API

Go to the Hookdeck dashboard and from the top-left menu, navigate to the Organization and Project you want to enable the PagerDuty integration within.

Within the desired Hookdeck project, go to Settings -> Integrations. Click the Connect button next to the PagerDuty integration listing. This begins a PagerDuty integration flow.

Sign in to your PagerDuty account. Once signed in, select the PagerDuty Services you with to Integrate Hookdeck with and click Connect. Once authorized, you will be redirected back to the Hookdeck dashboard for the second step in the authorization process.

Next, click Authorize. If you are still logged in to PagerDuty the browser will redirect you back to the Hookdeck dashboard. Otherwise, you should log in to PagerDuty and then you will be redirected back to the Hookdeck dashboard.

A PagerDuty Connected confirmation dialog is shown within the Hookdeck dashboard. Click Confirm to complete the integration.

How to Uninstall

Go to the Hookdeck dashboard and from the top-left menu, navigate to the Organization and Project you want to enable the PagerDuty integration within.

Within the desired Hookdeck project, go to Settings -> Integrations. Click the Disconnect button next to the PagerDuty integration listing. Click Disconnect in the dialog to confirm.