Platform Guides

Guides to use webhooks with your favorite platforms

Adyen AWS Lambda Azure BigCommerce Bitbucket Bubble Checkout CircleCI Cloudflare Commerce Layer Dev.To Docker Exivity GitHub GitLab Google Cloud Heroku HubSpot Iterable Jira Mailgun Make Monday n8n Netlify Octane Okta Paddle PayPal Pipedrive Railway Rocket.Chat SendGrid Shopify Slack Stripe Supabase Twilio Typeform Vercel WooCommerce Zapier Zendesk

How to Receive Slack Notification From Using Webhooks

Learn how to set up a webhook integration to receive a Slack notification when there's an article update on

Dev.To Slack Use Case

How to Automate Vercel Deploys with Twilio SMS webhooks

Learn how to automate vercel deploys everytime your Twilio number receives a message.

Vercel Twilio Use Case

How to Automate Netlify Deploys with a Slack Bot

Learn how to build a Slack Bot to trigger Netlify deploys.

Netlify Slack Use Case

How to Automate Email Follow Up With Mailgun Webhooks

Learn how to use Mailgun webhooks to send automated email follow ups.

Mailgun Use Case

How to Receive Discord Notifications For Heroku App Builds

Learn how to receive notifications on Discord for when a Heroku app builds.

Heroku Discord Use Case

How to Receive Slack Notifications for Typeform Submissions

Learn how to use Typeform webhooks to receive a Slack notification for each form submission.

Typeform Slack Use Case

How to Synchronize Orders with Shopify Webhooks

Learn how use the order/created, order/updated, and order/deleted shopify webhooks to synchronize orders on Elasticsearch.

Shopify Use Case